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Tuesday , July 7 , 2009
News and Comments

OMGWTFCOMIC??? well the story has certain changed alot from my actual original script, which believe it or not I actually HAVE been working on... but ya since i suck at drawing, am looking for an artist. on the off chance that you have been sniffing to much glue lately and would actually LIKE to draw this comic, then contact me (halfwing aeon) over the Medi 2012 forums. the only reason i haven't posted this page is because i knew people would expect me to start updating. but i don't have an artist, and non would work for me without first seeing even just a little bit of the comic, which i wouldn't post because then people would expect me to update, and the cycle repeats. so ya, until someone volunteers as an artist, there wont be any updates. but in the mean time how about ANOTHER FUCKING SITE REDESIGN! It will only be the third fucking one, even though the comic hasn't even started. and i need to remake all the old banners. which would be a lot easier if i had an artist, but ill at least manage that in the mean time.

Manifest D.G. and all images, characters, and stories on this site (unless otherwise stated) are copyrighted by Cooper Reid.
Manifest D.G. ©2008 by Cooper Reid
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